My closing message to the populace of Namron
Unto the Populace of the Barony of Namron and the Canton of Skorragardr I send greetings.
My time as Seneschal draws to a close.  I have presided over this office for two years, and I have seen many things come to pass.  Many fighter practices, two Axeman events, two Beltanes, two Medieval Fairs, two Protectorates, an Investiture (something many Seneschals do not have the opportunity to oversee), and many more smaller gatherings with those present and not.  I have had my share of good and bad experiences.  And it is my sincerest hope that I have represented myself as being a thoughtful, fair, and honorable Seneschal.
As I step down I wish to to get a few things off my chest.
I would like to take you back to Weisenfeur Baronial of 2006.  Yes, the event where King Aaron named Donnchadgh and Muriel as our Baron and Baroness.  However it is not that particular part of the event that stands forefront in my mind.  Prior to evening court, his then Majesty called the Populace of Namron to his cabin for a meeting.  There he told us some disturbing information: There were members who had written him about *every* individual candidate, saying if a particular candidate was chosen, they would quit.  But that's not what I want to focus on.  I would like to address what he decreed that every member of this Barony should do after we leave that room:  Start with a clean slate.  Forget the transgressions of the past and forge a new road.
With all due respect to his Majesty, I believe that idea is preposterous.  I find it impossible for every member of this Barony to forget what has transpired in our glorious and troubled past.  I find it impossible to forget the times we were wronged by Lord Bully, or slandered by Lady Rumor.  I find it impossible, because we just can't wish the wounds of the past away.  As the philosopher George Santayana said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."  
As I step down, my character has recently come under attack.  I have been perceived as a vindictive person by one individual, and accused of being "untruthful" by another.  I am not a vindictive person.  Being vindictive takes a huge commitment of time and energy, two things which I have little to spread around with a job, family, and hobbies.  I am also not a liar.  Lying eventually comes back to haunt the person who was untruthful, a lesson I learned in grade school.  I would like to outline the particulars of these incidents.  I will not name the individuals publicly, but I will outline what has occurred and how I went about resolving these matters.  
A week after Beltaine I received a call from the Northern Regional Seneschal asking "What's the deal between you and this individual?"  I was obviously taken aback, as I had no personal squabble with the individual he named. I was told that a complaint had been made. This individual had heard over the phone that I was "out to get them," and "take them down."  This individual went directly to my superior with their complaint, who then called me.
Last populace, I approached this individual to find out the reasons why they felt the need to complain to my superior.  This individual told me of a post on a message board that was read to them over the phone, saying that I was seeking information about them so I could "take them out."  I told this individual I said nothing of the sort, only that I had heard some complaints from a few people, and I told anyone that had any issues to submit their complaints in writing to myself and/or their Excellencies.
I do not like it when my name is slandered, so I launched an investigation to obtain this post.  I now have a copy of the post, and it supports exactly what I told the individual who took issue with it.  In fact, this post, while filled with the poster's personal feelings on the matter, says "I have been asked to pass on this information: please send a letter to the Seneschal.  This request was made by both the Seneschal and Baron of Namron."  That is the only mention of me or my office in the letter other than my address and phone number.  No indication that *I* was out to get anyone, no indication that *I* wanted to take someone down, just that myself, and his Excellency, were requesting information about possible concerns.  
That's what a Seneschal does in cases such as this:  collect information and evidence, and address the issues as they arise. I believe that a lot of this could have been avoided had all people concerned taken then the time and trouble to verify their information, and contact me directly if they have issue with me.
The second attack I find more infuriating because it is completely untrue and based on pure speculation. My wife received a call from a friend of ours last week.  Our friend was told by another individual that I was being forced to step down because I had been "caught being untruthful."  I spoke at length with our friend this weekend about this individual and what was said.  I then continued my investigation by asking both my Regional and Kingdom Seneschal if they had heard anything about this.  Here are their replies:
"Unless something originated from my current regional, Ainar, or my former regional, Gilyan, that I am unfamiliar with, I have not been made aware that you were asked to step down.  Your two year term has been completed in good measure.  I have been appreciative of the work you have done for me, the region and the Kingdom as a whole.  I hope that you will continue to support Ansteorra in times to come.
In Service,
"I Ainar Magnusson in no way removed Thomas or know of any reason why Thomas would have been removed.   Thomas had completed his two year appointment as Senechal of Namron and was stepping down per normal policy.  He completed his service in good standing and with skill.  He stepped down and passed on the position of Senechal according to standard procedures established in the Kingdom of Ansteorra.  If anyone has any questions they can contact me.
Ainar Magnusson
NR Senechal"
This is how rumor starts, from one person's perceptions to spreading like wildfire.  Mark Twain said "A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on it's shoes."  I firmly believe that how one deals with a rumor shows their character.  I have no clue as to how far this false rumor has spread, but I am making every attempt to deal with it directly and openly.  I hope by doing so that this false rumor will die.
In both of these cases, I researched the source of the claim, obtained evidence pertaining to the claim, then approached the claimants calmly and rationally with said evidence, and hopefully have resolved the issues.  In my opinion, these are examples of how our differences should be resolved.
As I said before, I don't believe the "Clean Slate" idea will work.  Instead, it is my hope that we can forge a better path for this Barony by doing something new:  Confront our differences and resolve them.  Don't just complain to your circle of closest friends about what Lord Bully did.  Don't just run crying to their Excellences or the Seneschal about what Lady Rumor is saying about you.  Take a deep breath, digest what has happened, collect evidence, and confront it in a rational and open manner, then get over it. This is the philosophy which I have attempted to follow during my tenure as Seneschal, and in my life.
Only by resolution do I believe we can make progress towards a brighter future for our Barony, or Kingdom, and the Dream.
Finally, I would like to ask that we recognize those who have been continually overlooked year after year. There are people who have given to this group and the Kingdom but have been denied recognition through either ignorance, apathy, or politics. I would hope that we can set aside our personal biases and recognize the efforts of those who have worked hard to built a positive image, not of themselves, but the SCA as a whole. An organization cannot ever take any one of it members for granted.
Thus, it is with both sadness and relief  that I hand over the Key to the Keep to Master Aethelstan.  May he watch over the operations of the Barony as I have, with care, understanding, and fairness.
In service,
Lord Thomas of Weathershear
Seneschal Swansong
Monday, June 11, 2007