A voice of common sense
Fred Thompson used to be a Republican Senator for Tennessee, but don’t hold that against him.  I think he’s the only Republican with a lick of common sense (other than possibly Mike Rogers of Michigan).  He recently addressed a gathering to announce he was still staying with “Law & Order” (one of my favorite shows), thus indicating he’s not running for President in 2008.
Thompson has always had a catchy phrase at the ready.  The one for this occasion was "Someone once said that a cat won't sit on a hot stove twice, but he won't sit on a cold stove ever.”  He then added "Here we had an election that was traumatic for some people, and the media blamed it on Iraq. I think it had more to do with pork barrel spending and corruption than it did Iraq."  I must say I agree, and the Democrats aren’t getting the message.  They are forging ahead just like Dubya did after 2004 when he believed he had a “mandate of the people.”
This nation needs a middle ground, that or complete liberation from the idiots in DC.
Fred Thompson
Friday, May 25, 2007